4th day Reunion Groups

What is a Reunion Group?

The Emmaus group reunion is a small accountability group of four to six persons who have usually participated in the three-day Walk to Emmaus and who want to continue their pursuit of a life lived wholly in the grace of God. These small follow-up groups help pilgrims translate the message conveyed on the Walk to Emmaus weekend into a daily walk with Christ. With the regular support of a few faithful friends, the gift of God’s love in Jesus Christ becomes a lifestyle of Christian discipleship through the threefold discipline of piety, study, and action. Group reunions meet at regular times, usually weekly for an hour. The meeting consists of persons’ sharing the stories of their walk with Christ during the past week. Members listen to one another, celebrate the grace of God in each person’s life, and reinforce each one’s core commitment to living in union with Christ in all facets of daily life. Members express that reinforcement through gentle accountability, encouragement, and support of one’s stated discipline and plans.

Reunion Group Meetups

Friday at 7:00am-8:00am

”Open Door Reunion” group meets each Friday at 7:00 AM, for breakfast at Jorge’s Mexican Restaurant (2550 Hunter Road, San Marcos). We are actively seeking new members. Give us a visit and see. De Colores!
rcliner@icloud.com - (512) 922-7742

Saturday 7:30am-9am

We will update this page once we have the reunion group information!

Sign up for a Reunion Group

Once We update our reunion group information, we will add a fillable form right here!